Achieving and Living the Agape Life di Gregg Leard edito da Covenant Books
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Achieving and Living the Agape Life





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Achieving and Living the Agape Life, a book that started out as Facebook posts, as well as material used for teaching at a recovery center that I was once a client at, as well as used for study materials for a men's ministry class that I also participated in, never knowing that God would tell me to put these individual life lessons into book form. With all the struggles that I have encountered throughout my life, these individual life lessons that I would write weekly were in fact God's way of telling me how to live my own life through Him. So really, I was writing these original posts to myself with the hope that sending them through Facebook would in turn help others. Needless to say, there were many people who would read them following with their comments that was a word they really needed to hear to get them through the day. This went on for about three years of compiling different life lessons and that I keep them all on file. So just this year, God instructed me to put these life lessons in book form. So now I can share my life journey with all of you. My sincere hope and prayers are that you will be as blessed reading my first book, Achieving and Living the Agape Life as I was blessed in writing it. For to have true happiness and peace, you must be filled with the love of Jesus Christ, true agape love. Be blessed.

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