Aceh Tombstone: The Heritage of Malay History di Suprayitno edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Aceh Tombstone: The Heritage of Malay History

Long Journey Created by True Story





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Descrizione Aceh Tombstone: The Heritage of Malay History

The distribution of Aceh tombstones shows that Aceh is the first estimated more than 5000 pieces of tombstones. This proves that Aceh is a center of stone carving culture in Southeast Asia. In this context cultural diffusion applies only to the stage of borrowing the elements of the external culture. The authors asserted no valid spread of the art culture of carving Aceh stone against the local population. In the case of a cultural dissemination of Malays, it is likely that the process of restoring Perak tombs in 1912 will use their expertise and the results are of course different from what can be impressed today. In the previous study and today there is no person from Perak Province who carves in Aceh tombstones.

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