Accounting, Finance and Presentation for Small Business di R. Blake Hendrix edito da iUniverse
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Accounting, Finance and Presentation for Small Business

Commerce Is King







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Descrizione Accounting, Finance and Presentation for Small Business

In Commerce Is King, Blake Hendrix focuses on the basics of accounting and finance in honing the presentation skills of small businesspeople. The author's goal is that the reader become a "conversant generalist" when presenting his business fundamentals to venture capitalists, traditional banks, and ownership groups such as managers and stockholders. The various motivations of these diverse groups are discussed, with insights on how to target and push their very real "hot buttons." With this book as a guide, the small businessperson will be able to succeed in today's increasingly competitive marketplace by better articulating his business plan to the audiences who matter most. With his comprehensive perspective, Blake Hendrix guides the small businessperson in how to present and manage every aspect of a business, from strategy to finance, from marketing to acquiring capital, from damage control to writing business plans. Hendrix brings his knowledge, humor, and common sense to bear in simplifying the complex issues facing the ambitious small businessperson. Also by R. Blake Hendrix Strategic Decisions for Small Business: It's Just Noodles, This Ain't No Trattoria

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