Access to Chemistry di Avril Higton, Mike Clemmet, Elaine Golding, Alan V. Jones edito da Royal Society of Chemistry
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Access to Chemistry





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Descrizione Access to Chemistry

Chemistry or the understanding of basic chemical concepts forms a vital part of many of today's access and foundation-level science courses in higher education. With the increase in numbers of students pursuing these courses in recent years, the need to acknowledge differing academic backgrounds has never been greater. Many may be entering via a vocational route and may not have A-level chemistry or its equivalent, or they may be mature students who need to refresh their chemistry to pursue an honours undergraduate course. Alternatively, the subject may simply have been 'difficult' or uninteresting in the past. Whatever the case, Access to Chemistry aims to fill the gap. Key features include: - Diagnostic tests to assess proficiency; - Worked examples throughout; - Hints for successful study; - Clear layout in colour. Success depends to a great extent on perseverance. There is no such thing as an 'instant understanding' of chemistry or any other subject or skill. How many falls does it take to learn to ride a bike, for example? Whilst this book will provide the necessary subject matter, the reader will ultimately be responsible for their own progress. Tutors will also find this book invaluable as a source of material for lectures and tutorials.

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