The Absence of a Life di Janet Lloyd edito da iUniverse
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The Absence of a Life

Edwin Ross Elliott 1893-1935







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Descrizione The Absence of a Life

Janet Lloyd's book is a moving autobiographical account of the spiritual gifts forged through the crucible of a difficult childhood. It is a must read, not only for those coming to terms with losses in life, but also a valuable resource for pastors, counselors and other helping professionals. Her honest exploration of the emotional landscape of grieving with its struggle to claim selfhood is filled with homespun wisdom, flashes of humor and grace-filled compassion. - The Rev. Steve Best, Episcopal Priest and pastoral counselor, Medina, WA The Absence of a Life is an important addition to the literature surrounding human growth and development. Writing ffrom lived experience and profound reflection, Janet Lloyd has given us an insightful and lucid perspective on her life without a father. It will be immeasurably helpful to spiritual directors, therapists and many individuals as well. I can hardly wait to see the printed copy. - Katherine Dyckman,SNJM, Spiritual Director, Teacher and Co-author of four books including Inviting the Mystic, Supporting the Prophet (Paulist Press).

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