Abel′s Proof - An Essay on the Sources and Meaning of Mathematical Unsolvability di Peter Pesic edito da MIT Press
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Abel′s Proof - An Essay on the Sources and Meaning of Mathematical Unsolvability

An Essay On The Sources And Meaning Of Mathematical Unsolvability


MIT Press

Mit Press




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Descrizione Abel′s Proof - An Essay on the Sources and Meaning of Mathematical Unsolvability

The intellectual and human story of a mathematical proof that transformed our ideas about mathematics.In 1824 a young Norwegian named Niels Henrik Abel proved conclusively that algebraic equations of the fifth order are not solvable in radicals. In this book Peter Pesic shows what an important event this was in the history of thought. He also presents it as a remarkable human story. Abel was twenty-one when he self-published his proof, and he died five years later, poor and depressed, just before the proof started to receive wide acclaim. Abel's attempts to reach out to the mathematical elite of the day had been spurned, and he was unable to find a position that would allow him to work in peace and marry his fiancé.

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