7 Steps To Creating An Heir-Tight Will di Rachael Rodgers edito da The Choir Press
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7 Steps To Creating An Heir-Tight Will

Essential tips to simplify complex situations & ensure your will works





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Descrizione 7 Steps To Creating An Heir-Tight Will

Your Will CAN be Simple to Prepare - Even for Complex Families and Busy Business Owners. Seventy percent of people in the UK die without leaving a Will. And, of the Wills that exist, twenty-eight percent are found to have major flaws that totally change the distribution of assets. There are so many things that you need to be aware of - to make sure your family, assets and business are secure after you're gone - that just getting started can feel intimidating. Expert Will writer, Rachael Rodgers, really knows how to simplify these matters. In this book she explains in detail the key lessons she learnt from years of experience advising a huge array of clients. This revised edition includes updated sections on inheritance tax and foreign issues. So whether you're making a Will for the first time, or want to ensure the one you have is fit for purpose, this book which is based on UK law will explain what you need to know - simply!

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