65 West 55th Street di Gagan Suri edito da iUniverse
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65 West 55th Street







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Descrizione 65 West 55th Street

When two people are meant to be together, nothing can stop them. But when those two people come from two different worlds, there are plenty of people who will do all they can to keep them apart. When faith, culture, and tradition are challenged, it takes an extraordinary amount of courage and commitment for love-and everything else-to thrive. Karan, an Indian Hindu, is a handsome, talented, and self-motivated young man with high career aspirations. Zeina is a beautiful Pakistani Muslim fashion designer working in New York City. They meet one day by chance and discover love at first sight. Despite all the obstacles in their way, Karan and Zeina know that they are meant to be. They fight for their love, refusing to let the many differences and barriers in their way keep them apart. Love will find a way. 65 West 55th Street captures the funny, sentimental, emotional, and traumatizing moments of a profound journey for love and acceptance against all odds. They know the truth: All forces against them will gradually wither away, leaving only true love. Nothing else matters.

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