50 Hilarious Long Story Jokes di White Mark White edito da Archway Publishing
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50 Hilarious Long Story Jokes

With Related Morals And Tips For Delivery





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Descrizione 50 Hilarious Long Story Jokes

Bartenders not only make fabulous drinks, but also can be great listeners, confidants, and a sounding board to bounce jokes off of. Mark White, a popular bartender for over twenty years, shares a collection of clean jokes, related morals, and practical delivery tips designed to help the joke-teller communicate key life lessons in memorable ways to audiences of all ages and, most importantly, garner laughs. Many of the jokes are tailored for speakers who want to open a presentation with a key message while others are created to generate laughs around a campfire, entertain passengers on road trips, and charm guests at a dinner party. His jokes humorously reflect on such diverse subjects as pompous Scotch drinkers, dumb blondes, crazy Uber drivers, football game refreshments, and much more. 50 Hilarious Long Story Jokes is a collection of jokes, related morals, and delivery tips shared by a popular, seasoned bartender.

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