50 of the Finest Films Hollywood Ever Made di John Howard Reid edito da Lulu.com
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50 of the Finest Films Hollywood Ever Made







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Descrizione 50 of the Finest Films Hollywood Ever Made

More than 50 of Hollywood's most famous movies are examined in detail in this book, which provides full cast and production credits, release dates, background information, DVD suppliers, plus up-to-date assessments and reviews. This information not only covers almost everything you would want to know about some of your favorite movies, but guides you towards further classic films you might enjoy! To name just twenty of the more than fifty titles, they include An American in Paris, The Apartment, The Caine Mutiny, Casablanca, China Seas, Duck Soup, From Here To Eternity, Gone With The Wind, The Greatest Show On Earth, If I Had a Million, In Old Chicago, It Happened One Night, Laura, Out of the Past, The Palm Beach Story, the Picture of Dorian Gray, A Place in the Sun, two versions of State Fair, The Wizard of Oz, Wonder Bar, and Yankee Doodle Dandy.

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