The 5 Things Every Woman-of-a-Certain-Age Should Have Under Her Bed di Terre Thomas edito da
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The 5 Things Every Woman-of-a-Certain-Age Should Have Under Her Bed






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Descrizione The 5 Things Every Woman-of-a-Certain-Age Should Have Under Her Bed

As women of a certain age, we now have the time, maturity, and interest in finding new and better ways to enjoy our bodies. And most women understand that for many things in life you just need the 5 basics whether it's a good outfit, your shoe groups, your desk supplies, or your make-up... ... 5 things and you're good to go! But when it comes to sensuous products and sex toys, not many women can tell you what the five best things are to have under your bed. Author Terre Thomas, a self-proclaimed Fairy Godmother believes the Tingle is an important part of life; it's that marvelous, sexy, sensuous feeling that radiates from within. She is in the business of selling erotic accessories and books in Minneapolis and she talks with women everyday who are so happy to learn that just a few good things in the sensual department can really make things better; she's delighted to share the simple secrets with you in The 5 Things Every Woman-of-a-Certain-Age Should Have Under Her Bed.

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