30 Day Ketogenic Vegetarian Meal Plan di Sharon Kemper edito da Fighting Dreams Productions INC
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30 Day Ketogenic Vegetarian Meal Plan

Delicious, Easy And Healthy Vegetarian Recipes To Get You Started On The Keto Lifestyle | Lose Weight, Regain Energy And Heal Your Body





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Descrizione 30 Day Ketogenic Vegetarian Meal Plan

Are you considering a ketogenic diet with a vegetarian twist? Are you concerned about what you can eat and if you'll become bored? Would you like a plan that will have you eating something different every day for a month? The ketogenic diet is a great way to lose weight, but what if you are a vegetarian? Well, the answer is that you can still achieve the weight loss you desire by sticking to some simple to prepare recipes. In the 30 Day Ketogenic Vegetarian Meal Plan, you will find a range of exciting and tasty dishes that will tempt you, including: Asparagus tart Broccoli, almond and feta salad Swiss chard omelet Butternut and garlic soup Keto nachos Sweet potato, egg and spinach hash Lemon cheesecake And dozens more… Each of the 30 days has a different recipe for breakfast, lunch and dinner, meaning that you'll never get bored with the food you are eating and will more likely complete the diet successfully. If you ever thought that doing the ketogenic diet as a vegetarian was going to be difficult, think again! 30 Day Ketogenic Vegetarian Meal Plan will help you succeed.

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