30 Bicycle Tours in New Jersey 2e di Arline Zatz edito da W. W. Norton & Company
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30 Bicycle Tours in New Jersey 2e

Almost 1000 Miles of Scenic Pleasures and Historic Treasures





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Descrizione 30 Bicycle Tours in New Jersey 2e

One of New Jersey's most prolific and honored travel writers, Arline Zatz knows what's appealing to touring bicyclists and exactly where in the state they can find it. These 30 tours lead you past the state's most intriguing and most beautiful spots. The author's commentary along the way tells you everything you need to know about the sights you'll see and the road conditions along the way. The five tours new to this edition include trips past an herb farm; around Merrill Creek Reservoir; along the pounding surf of the Atlantic coast; and among an array of colorful public gardens."

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