25 Bicycle Tours in the Hudson Valley - Scenic Rides from Saratoga to Northern Weschester County 2e di Howard Stone edito da W. W. Norton & Company
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25 Bicycle Tours in the Hudson Valley - Scenic Rides from Saratoga to Northern Weschester County 2e

Scenic Rides from Saratoga to Northern Westchester Country





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Descrizione 25 Bicycle Tours in the Hudson Valley - Scenic Rides from Saratoga to Northern Weschester County 2e

In an area as populous as New York's Hudson Valley, finding the best bicycle tours isn't a matter of picking up a map and measuring out a few roads. 25 Bicycle Tours in the Hudson Valley gets you to the quiet routes through the rolling farmlands and stunning vistas that grace the region. Some tours are gentle; others are more strenuous; and then there are the full-body-experience tours that tackle the escarpment of the great river, challenging the cardiovascular system with steep climbs, tickling the adrenal glands with thrilling descents, and expanding the spirit with unsurpassed views. This new and thoroughly updated edition of Howard Stone's long-popular guidebooks includes 2 new tours in Westchester County-27 in all. Each tour has a summary showing length, difficulty, and highlights, as well maps and explicit mile-by-mile directions, notes about points of interest, cycling advice, and a list of nearby bicycle shops.

Spedizione GRATUITA sopra € 25
€ 20.89
Disponibile in 10-12 giorni
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