21st Century Leadership di Melvin B. Greer Jr edito da iUniverse
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21st Century Leadership

Harnessing Innovation, Accelerating Business Success







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Descrizione 21st Century Leadership

It's time to incorporate cutting-edge technologies to enhance your leadership skills and inspire future innovators. Melvin Greer, the founder and managing director of the Greer Institute for Leadership and Innovation in Washington, D.C., takes a fresh look at how to fill the leadership gap in this guidebook to leadership. He demonstrates ways to • rethink assumptions and myths about innovation; • develop leadership habits that lead to high performance; • develop a successful workforce and talent management strategy; and • create a modern innovation pipeline via STEM. We can no longer confine knowledge about information technology to just one department. Just as leaders need to know how to read a profit and loss statement or interpret a balance sheet, they must also understand how technology can impact business strategy. A twenty-first-century leader must understand behavioral, economic, and social shifts in order to capitalize on opportunities and achieve success. Whether you're an executive, senior manager, a new hire, a teacher, or a student, you must use twenty-first-century leadership if you want to succeed.

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