AD 2036 Is The End di Christian T Jacobsen edito da iUniverse
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AD 2036 Is The End

The Truth About the Second Coming of Christ and the Meaning of Life







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Descrizione AD 2036 Is The End

Did you know that the exact year of Jesus' crucifixion was predicted over five hundred years before His birth? Did you know that a similar prophecy predicts the exact year of Jesus' return to earth? In fact, the timing of the Second Coming of Christ is foreshadowed in no less than eleven places in the scriptures. These timelines all point to the end of human history within this generation. Although the Bible teaches that "no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen," (Mark 13:32) it says nothing about not knowing the year. Faithful Christians most certainly ".won't be surprised when the day of the Lord comes," (1 Thessalonians 5:4) rather, they will ".see the day approaching." (Hebrews 10:25) This book reveals that the Glorious Day will occur within three and a half years of AD 2036. CHRIST HAS DIED! CHRIST IS RISEN! CHRIST WILL COME AGAIN!

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