2023 Ultimate Strategy Day Planner di Aeonian Le. . . Management And Consulting edito da Lulu.com
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2023 Ultimate Strategy Day Planner







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Descrizione 2023 Ultimate Strategy Day Planner

The Ultimate Strategy Planner (USP) is the favorite companion of visionaries and dreamers like you who "Dare2Live life intentionally fulfilled everyday. Moving your dream from your head to your heart & from your heart to your hands; focused, responsible, equipped and empowered." (Terri Dawson) As a business consulting firm, we work with hundreds of people. Entrepreneurs, founders, corporate elite, and other professionals all shared the same need to be intentional about how they spent their time. Focuses on personal growth, mental health awareness, and overall healthy living continue to transform, therefore so should the methods which assist you in your day to day planning and strategy. From SMART Goals, to personal SWOT analysis' and Gratitude affirmations, the USP is your place to keep track of everything needed to organize your schedule. You no longer have to worry about losing focus of your big dreams and goals nor of the details that transform them into your reality. Welcome to the family of ultimate intentional living, Legacy Builders.

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