1990s science fiction films (Film Guide) di Source Wikipedia edito da Books LLC, Reference Series

1990s science fiction films (Film Guide)

The Matrix, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, 12 Monkeys, Independence Day, Gattaca, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Star Trek Generations, Star Tr





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Descrizione 1990s science fiction films (Film Guide)

Source: Wikipedia. Commentary (films not included). Pages: 341. Chapters: The Matrix, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, 12 Monkeys, Independence Day, Gattaca, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Star Trek Generations, Star Trek: First Contact, Jurassic Park, Until the End of the World, Stargate, Total Recall, The Fifth Element, Galaxy Quest, Godzilla vs. Mothra, Johnny Mnemonic, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Men in Black, Star Trek: Insurrection, Small Soldiers, Alien Resurrection, Demolition Man, Predator 2, Waterworld, List of science-fiction films of the 1990s, Dark City, Alien 3, Doctor Who, The End of Evangelion, Darkman, The Iron Giant, Mars Attacks!, The X-Files, Back to the Future trilogy, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Patlabor 2: The Movie, Starship Troopers, Screamers, The Postman, Spawn, RoboCop 2, Spriggan, Ghost in the Shell, Lost in Space, The Handmaid's Tale, Back to the Future Part III, Tank Girl, Sphere, Cube, Godzilla 2000, Deep Impact, RoboCop 3, Memories, Escape from L.A., Flatliners, Universal Soldier, Double Dragon, The Lawnmower Man, Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie, Inspector Gadget, Strange Days, Jetsons: The Movie, The Island of Dr. Moreau, Timecop, The Faculty, Judge Dredd, Virus, Species II, Purple Storm, Sebastian Star Bear: First Mission, EXistenZ, StrayDog: Kerberos Panzer Cops, Knight Rider 2000, Robot Jox, Body Snatchers, Godzilla vs. Destoroyah, Without Warning, Highlander III: The Sorcerer, No Escape, Bicentennial Man, Outbreak, The Stranger, Omega Doom, Event Horizon, Wing Commander, Hardware, Six-String Samurai, Fortress, Gamera: Guardian of the Universe, The Airzone Solution, Barb Wire, The Arrival, Tetsuo II: Body Hammer, Disturbing Behavior, Generation X, Timescape, Scanners II: The New Order, Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla, Village of the Damned, Gamera 3: Awakening of Irys, The Meteor Man, The Wicked City, Nemesis, Megaville, Beowulf, Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II, Auton trilogy, Forever Young, Deep Rising, Attack of the 60 Foot Centerfold, Virtuosity, Universal Soldier: The Return, Dollman vs. Demonic Toys, P.R.O.B.E., Mom and Dad Save the World, Freejack, Multiplicity, Harrison Bergeron, Time Chasers, The Astronaut's Wife, Deep Blue Sea, Class of Nuke 'Em High 3: The Good, the Bad and the Subhumanoid, The Stepford Husbands, Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman, Revenge Quest, Death Machine, Fortress 2: Re-Entry, Gamera 2: Attack of Legion, The Thirteenth Floor, Future War, Mimic, I Come in Peace, Sixty Million Dollar Man, The Second Civil War, Space Truckers, Mindwarp, Zeiram, Spaced Invaders, Moon 44, Nirvana, Evolver, Brave New World, Metamorphosis: The Alien Factor, The Second Arrival, Critters 4, Phantoms, The Drivetime, Abraxas, Guardian of the Universe, The Attack of the Giant Moussaka, Escape to Witch Mountain, The Last Man on Planet Earth, The Guyver, Guyver: Dark Hero, Can of Worms, Philadelphia Experiment II, Adrenalin: Fear the Rush, Star Kid, Still Not Quite Human, Arcade, Gayniggers from Outer Space, Split Second, The Roller Blade Seven, Komodo, Return to the Lost World, Universal Soldier II: Brothers in Arms, 12:01, Trancers II, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Critters 3, Solar Crisis, Ghost in the Machine, Kafka, Vegas in Space, Cyborg 2, Prayer of the Rollerboys, Ultra Warrior, Cyborg 3: The Recycler, Syngenor, Knights, Universal Soldier III: Unfinished Business, Habitat, Doom Runners, Steel Frontier, Trucks, The Dark Side of the Moon, Tycus, Project Metalbeast, Acción mutante, Thrill S...

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