180 Days of Writing for Second Grade - (Spanish): Practice, Assess, Diagnose di Brenda A. van Dixhorn edito da SHELL EDUC PUB
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180 Days of Writing for Second Grade - (Spanish): Practice, Assess, Diagnose

Practice, Assess, Diagnose





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Descrizione 180 Days of Writing for Second Grade - (Spanish): Practice, Assess, Diagnose

180 Days of Writing (Spanish) is an easy-to-use workbook that will teach Spanish-speaking second grade students to become efficient writers. Each two-week unit covers one writing standard centered around high-interest themes. Through daily practice that is easy to implement at home or in school, students will strengthen their Spanish language and grammar skills while practicing the various steps of the writing process. Useful tools are provided to help teachers reach English learners, differentiate instruction, and conduct formative assessments. These standards-based activities correlate to state standards and lay the foundation for College and Career Readiness.

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