'' di Kamand Shabani edito da AUSTIN MACAULEY
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On a chilling night in February 2019, Bradly Moore, a 32-year-old man, was discovered brutally murdered in his home. The London police were on the case immediately. But this was no ordinary murder. Moments after his death, an emergency message was sent to eight individuals from Bradly's contacts. All of them were summoned to the crime scene, making each one a suspect. With eight potential culprits and zero evidence, the investigation seemed nearly impossible. But among the suspects, one stands out: forensic psychologist, Oliver Johnson. Oliver isn't just any professional; he was Bradly's oldest and dearest friend. Pressured by Bradly's grieving family and driven by personal loss, Oliver is thrust into the center of the inquiry, using his expertise to unravel the case. As he delves deeper, Oliver grapples with his own whirlwind of emotions, from anxiety to grief. And amidst the chaos of evidence and testimonies, a haunting question remains: Who killed Bradly Moore?

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