12-Week Food Journal and Fitness Tracker: Track Eating, Plan Meals, and Set Diet and Exercise Goals for Optimal Weight L di Rockridge Press edito da ROCKRIDGE PR
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12-Week Food Journal and Fitness Tracker: Track Eating, Plan Meals, and Set Diet and Exercise Goals for Optimal Weight L

Track Eating, Plan Meals, and Set Diet and Exercise Goals for Optimal Weight Loss







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Descrizione 12-Week Food Journal and Fitness Tracker: Track Eating, Plan Meals, and Set Diet and Exercise Goals for Optimal Weight L

The food journal and fitness tracker that helps make your weight loss goals a reality. When your goal is to lose weight, every day counts. From day one, the 12-Week Food Journal and Fitness Tracker helps you set your weight loss goal and meet it with an action-oriented plan based on your needs and routine. Over a 12-week period, you will plan meals, keep track of nutritional information, and record your exercise habits. An easy-to-use layout with a large format provides the space and structure you need to balance your daily calorie intake and activity. Plus, a section for notes and a percentage-to-goal rating system allows you to reflect on your progress, so you know what works and what to change tomorrow. More than your basic food journal, the 12-Week Food Journal and Fitness Tracker keeps you focused on reaching your goal with: SMART Goals that set Specific, Measurable, Attainable, and Trackable health objectives A Weekly Meal Planner that makes sure your meals support your goals A Daily Food Journal that helps you keep track of calories, carbs, fats, and sodium per meal An Easy-to-Use Design that provides a large format for ample space to jot down every detail Take action, lose weight, and see real results with the 12-Week Food Journal and Fitness Tracker.

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