111 Places In Norwich That You Shouldn't Miss di Martin Dunford, Karin Tearle edito da Emons Verlag GmbH
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111 Places In Norwich That You Shouldn't Miss

Travel Guide





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Descrizione 111 Places In Norwich That You Shouldn't Miss

Make the most of Norwich with this new guide to the sights and secrets of East Anglia's premier city, from the unknown treasures of its magnificent cathedral to the legends and stories behind its historic pubs. It's a place of numerous historical layers, with intrigue and interest lurking on every corner, from the black circus proprietor who inspired one of The Beatles' most famous songs to remnants of England's most notorious red light districts. It's eminently walkable, too, but you can also bike or even canoe your way around the centre, maybe even heading out to explore the natural beauty of Broads National Park which lies just beyond.

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