Wounding Words di Evelyne Accad edito da Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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Wounding Words





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Libro Wounding Words di Evelyne Accad

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From award-winning author, Evelyne Accad, Wounding Words tells the story of Hayate, a young student in Tunisia, as she struggles to cope under the everyday injustices around her. After seeing too many of her cousins die under the blows of their husbands, Hayate promises herself to do everything she can to avoid the same fate. Her hope lies in a drastic move to Tunisia - hailed to be the most democratic and inclusive country in the Arab world. Yet what she finds when she arrives is a starkly different reality. Following Hayate's journals as a feminist scholar, Wounding Words offers a thought-provoking and intelligently written account of feminism as it exist across the world, asking how women everywhere can live day-to-day by its values.

€ 18,52 € 19,50
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