Wars Of The Third Kind di Edward E. Rice edito da University Of California Press
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Wars Of The Third Kind

Conflict In Underdeveloped Countries





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Libro Wars Of The Third Kind di Edward E. Rice

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"An elegantly written and carefully researched book, for which the most obvious adjective is wise. The quality of the thought and the grasp of political and social dynamics that have gone into it make it superior to most other books dealing with this sort of conflict. The importance of an appreciation of the historical roots of any conflict, as demonstrated by Rice, provides in itself a vital lesson on the perils of untutored intervention."--Lawrence Freedman, International Affairs "In his insightful, scholarly, and very readable analysis of these conflicts, the author skillfully draws upon his accumulated experience in the Foreign Service and applies a generous portion of political savvy and common sense."--Edward Costello, Foreign Service Journal "Wars of the Third Kind is a superior book--one of the very best on a very important subject. . . . Of particular interest is a fascinating chapter on the perils that await great powers who find themselves enmeshed in 'wars of the third kind.' This chapter should be required reading for every American policymaker."--Col. Dennis M. Drew, USAF, Airpower Journal

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