Storie e linguaggi edito da edizioni

Storie e linguaggi

Anno 2016 - Fascicolo 2
Data di Pubblicazione:
4 gennaio 2017


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Tabula gratulatoria in onore di don Enrico Peverada per i suoi ottant'anni

Bibliografi a degli scritti di don Enrico Peverada (1967-2014) / Bibliography of don Enrico Peverada
di Andrea Faoro , Beatrice Saletti


A letter to don Enrico Peverada
di Werner L. Gundersheimer


Due friulani in partenza per il giubileo del 1300 / Two Pilgrims from Friul to Rome, a.D. 1300
di Flavia De Vitt

In 1300, Autumn, two laymen who were going from Friul to Rome on the first jubilee, dictated their testaments.

Note sull’Osservanza femminile a Ferrara tra Quattro e Cinquecento / Notes on female Observance in F
di Gabriella Zarri

The essay briefly reviews the main changes introduced in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in Ferrara to bring the regular Observance in the monasteries of nuns. It identifies two peculiarities in the situation of Ferrara: the direct intervention of the Este court in the patronage of monasteries and reform initiatives; the presence of stranger nuns. It focuses fi nally on a draft reform of the Augustinian nuns testified by the presence of a rule in the vernacular composed in 1511 by Maestro Antonio da Crema, Vicar of the Observant Congregation of Lombardy.

Le sinagoghe a Mantova nel Seicento e la relazione del canonico Ottaviano Morbioli / The Synagogues
di Pier Cesare Ioly Zorattini

Based on the report composed for the Duke of Mantua in 1633 by Ottaviano Morbioli, the vicar of the bishop of Mantua, this study reconstructs the history of the sinagogues in Mantua from the 16th c. to the first half of the 20th century. The lyrics of Annibale Gallico are taken into account for the description of the old ghetto, its demolition and the demolition of its sinagogues at the beginning of the 20th century.

Tra chiostro e trono. Uno scenario storico-politico per l’oratorio Sant’Editta di Alessandro Stradel
di Arnaldo Morelli

Edith of Wilton, a tenth-century saint, daughter of King Edgar of England, who preferred the cloister to the throne, is the subject of an oratorio written by the Roman prince and poet Lelio Orsini, and set to music by Alessandro Stradella, probably around 1672-73. In the background we find the story of Maria Beatrice d’Este, daughter of Alfonso IV Duke of Modena (later Queen Mary of Modena), who was reluctant to marry James Stuart, prince of York and later king of England, because she was determined to become a nun.

«Beati misericordes». Giovanni Simone Mayr e l’associazionismo filantropico / «Beati Misericordes».
di Paolo Fabbri

Many musical enterprises promoted by Mayr started in Bergamo habits of European musical life: a music public school, performances of classic masterworks; oratorial performances with goals of public charity. Since 1822-23 Mayr established an amateurs society for periodic concerts (sometimes with charity goals), in a room specifically made ready to host them. Finally, since 1834 Mayr promoted a yearly musical feast devoted to Holy Cecily, collecting professional and unprofessional musicians for huge performances of oratorial pieces.

Un Diario parrocchiale e un prete storico archivista (Ferrara 1940- 1946) / A parish chronicle and a
di Miriam Turrini

The chronicle of the parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help of Ferrara brings unpublished informations on Ferrara clergy during the Second World War and after the war and keep handwritten notes of Don Enrico Peverada.

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