A Squatter's Tale di Ike Oguine edito da Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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A Squatter's Tale





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Libro A Squatter's Tale di Ike Oguine

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Ike Oguine's debut novel, A Squatter's Tale is a dark and bold comedy story about the pain the life of a Nigerian business man living in exile in America. Obi does not shy away from his flaws. Dishonest, offensive, arrogant - he moves through life caring little about the people around him. Yet when his uncle comes to visit from America, showering him with gifts and selling him tales of a new life, Obi is determined to follow him. After buying a one-way ticket, he quickly realises that neither his uncle nor America are quite what they promised to be. Fast-paced and defiant, A Squatter's Tale is an honest insight into the experiences of a Nigerian man living in 1990s America. 'Few people have read this hilarious novel but one read is all you need to become a fan.' Guardian

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