Smart Leadership di Jo Owen edito da Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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Smart Leadership

How To Lead Teams Effectively In A World Of Hybrid Working





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Libro Smart Leadership di Jo Owen

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Wherever they are in their career, this guide will give professionals a comprehensive understanding of the basic building blocks of effective leadership and management. For all professionals, knowledge of the key elements of high-quality leadership is vital, whether they are existing managers, taking on additional managerial responsibilities, or looking ahead to their career goals. This base of knowledge stretches from the individual - leading yourself - to the group, leading teams and even entire organizations. In tackling all these key aspects, the book equips individuals to progress in any area of leadership and management, from team-building to strategic planning. It also addresses the unique challenges of remote leadership that have arisen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is an essential guide for anyone looking to thrive in a new era of modern leadership.

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