Sites of Statelessness edito da State University of New York Press
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Sites of Statelessness

Laws, Cities, Seas





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Libro Sites of Statelessness

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Statelessness is incessantly produced in seas, cities, and law. Building around the postcolonial experiences of statelessness Sites of Statelessness examines the entanglements of citizenship policies and practices with the spread of statelessness in contemporary times, something that defies any kind of a citizen/stateless binary. These policies are significant, the background of a shift in emphasis from jus soli to jus sanguinis, the proliferation of borderland populations and nowhere people, population flows across (post)colonial border formations and boundary delimitations, and the growth of regional, formal, and informal labor markets characterized by immigrant labor economies. In this context, contributors address the distinctive dynamics of the different sites in the production of statelessness and considers the impact of these sites as critical and does not merely treat them as a backdrop. They argue that these different sites evoke different histories and repertoires and also bring different possibilities of alignment with emerging problematics.

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