Search for Breast Cancer Susceptibility Genes di Kerstin Wagner edito da VDM Verlag
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Search for Breast Cancer Susceptibility Genes

The Growth Hormone-1 / Insulin-like Growth Factor-1Pathway and its Relationship to Breast Cancer


VDM Verlag





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Descrizione Search for Breast Cancer Susceptibility Genes

Breast Cancer is the most common cancer in Westernwomen and represents 28% of female cancer deaths.During the last decades, research has revealed canceras a complex heterogeneous disease triggered bydynamic changes in the genome. The work in this dissertation summarizes theinvestigation of polymorphisms in the GH1/IGF-1 axisin relation to breast cancer risk by means of theplanning and conducting of case-control studies. Manyfindings were novel and they reflected the complexityof the gene regulation along the GH1/IGF-1 pathway.In summary, the studied polymorphisms were mainlyassociated with a decreased breast cancer risk. Thislead to the suggestion that genetic variants in theGH1/ IGF-1 axis do not increase the mitogenic andantiproliferative features of the pathway, but ratherprotect the cells from proliferation. The studycontributes to the world-wide effort ofidentification of low-penetrance genetic variants,which may be useful tools for prevention, prognosisand planning of individual therapy.

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