The Role of Government in the History of Economic Thought
2005 Supplement
- Editore:
Duke University Press
- EAN:
- Pagine:
- 180
- Formato:
- Hardback
- Lingua:
- Inglese
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Libro The Role of Government in the History of Economic Thought di Steven G. Medema, Peter J. Boettke
Trama libro
"The Role of Government in the History of Economic Thought" examines a controversial area of economic analysis: the appropriate role of government within the economic system. If the first two-thirds of the twentieth century were dominated by the active involvement of economists in government policymaking, blurring the lines between the spheres of economics and politics, then the last several decades have witnessed something of a reversion to the classical economics of Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill. This volume offers a comprehensive and integrated history of the evolution of the relationship between governments and economies, examining the British classical tradition, the American progressive movement, and corporatist ideology.
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