The Religious Heritage Complex: Legacy, Conservation, and Christianity edito da BLOOMSBURY ACADEMIC
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The Religious Heritage Complex: Legacy, Conservation, and Christianity

Legacy, Conservation, And Christianity





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Libro The Religious Heritage Complex: Legacy, Conservation, and Christianity

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The Religious Heritage Complex examines heritage-making of Christian-related legacies led by secular and clerical institutions. It argues that the relationship between public policies and spiritual practices is not as clear-cut as some might think. In fact, the authors show that religious activity has always combined care for the past with conscious practices of heritage-making, which they term "the religious heritage complex." The book considers the ways patrimony, religion, and identity interact in different Christian contexts worldwide and how religious objects and sites function as identity symbols. It focuses on heritage-making as a religious and material activity for the groups in charge of a sacred inheritance and considers heritage activities as one of the forms of spiritual renewal and transmission.Case studies explore various Christian traditions located in Europe, the Americas, and Africa, investigating the longstanding and tightly-enmeshed connections that weave together religion and cultural heritage. Through comparing ecclesiastical and civil heritage institutions, this book allows us to consider the ambiguity of religious heritage.

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