Reflections on British Royalty: Mass-Observation and the Monarchy, 1937-2022 edito da BLOOMSBURY ACADEMIC
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Reflections on British Royalty: Mass-Observation and the Monarchy, 1937-2022

Mass-Observation And The Monarchy, 1937-2022





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Libro Reflections on British Royalty: Mass-Observation and the Monarchy, 1937-2022

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In this original volume, Jennifer J. Purcell and Fiona Courage curate and contextualize the rich archival materials of social research organisation Mass-Observation on the British popular imagination of the monarchy and the royal family between 1937 and 2022. From the coronation of George VI in 1937 to Elizabeth II's death - via war, weddings, a jubilee and a tragedy - this book incorporates everything from diaries and detailed responses to questionnaires, internal organisational documents and published reports on popular attitudes to royalty in order to reveal the complex nature of Britain's relationship with its monarchy in the modern era. How does the British public imagine the monarchy and its role in British society and governance? What is the relationship between the British people and the Crown? Using material from Mass-Observation, which has been asking these questions for over 80 years, Reflections on British Royalty gets to the heart of these issues and more besides.

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