Public history in teacher education. A dialogue with many voices edito da Firenze University Press
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Public history in teacher education. A dialogue with many voices

a cura di

G. Bandini

Data di Pubblicazione:
27 dicembre 2024




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Libro Public history in teacher education. A dialogue with many voices

Descrizione libro

Historical knowledge, often overshadowed by mass media communication, plays a crucial role in educating conscious and critical citizens. We want to explore the transformative potential of history in teacher education, particularly through a public history approach, highlighting its ability to foster critical thinking, interdisciplinary understanding and informed decision-making. By integrating historical perspectives, teachers can contextualise and better understand contemporary issues, promote cultural sensitivity and help break down stereotypes and social stigmas.
This book promotes history as disciplinary knowledge, but also as a transversal skill, essential for citizenship and intercultural education in a democratic context. It presents a rich, multi-voiced dialogue between academics and non-academics, professors and head teachers, students and tutors.

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