Psychoeducational strategy for the prevention of suicidal risk di Yuniel Abreu Hernández, Cañizares Gorrín, Barrera León edito da Our Knowledge Publishing
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Psychoeducational strategy for the prevention of suicidal risk

Camilo Cienfuegos General Hospital. Sancti-Spítius. Cuba





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Libro Psychoeducational strategy for the prevention of suicidal risk di Yuniel Abreu Hernández, Cañizares Gorrín, Barrera León

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An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional and prospective study was carried out with the objective of proposing a psychoeducational strategy for the prevention of suicide attempt in the elderly in the North area of Sancti Spíritus municipality, in the period 2020-2022. The population and the sample were constituted by the 25 patients older than 60 years who presented suicidal attempt belonging to the North area of Sancti Spíritus. It was concluded in the study carried out in the north polyclinic of Sancti Spíritus that the patients with suicide attempt were predominantly female, of the age group between 65 and 69 years old, housewives, divorced or separated and with a high school education level. The psychosocial, individual and essential risk factors that predominated in the research are impulsivity, major depression, premonition, threat or suicidal project, serving these results to propose an educational strategy for the prevention of the pathological entity.

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