Prescriber to Allen's Keynotes & Characteristics di Dr R. P. Sangar edito da B Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd

Prescriber to Allen's Keynotes & Characteristics

2nd Revised Edition





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Libro Prescriber to Allen's Keynotes & Characteristics di Dr R. P. Sangar

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Dr R P Sangar compiled this reference work from H C Allen's Keynotes and Characteristics. It is a concise, to the point, quick reference guide for prescribing on keynotes and red line symptoms. It is well laid out and very easy to use. Each symptom has a page reference back to "Allen's Keynotes" to enable the practitioner to see the bigger picture as well. The publication of this book fills the need for a concise, to-the-point, quick-reference guide for prescribing on keynotes and redline symptoms. It is very useful for students, beginners and practitioners, especially in situations where one does not have the time or the circumstances to take a detailed case history or go through the process of repertorisation. Symptoms are given under different headings like Mind, Brain, Nerves, Face, Respiratory Organs, Digestive System, Urinary Organs, Genitalia, Skin, Fevers, Constitutional Diseases, Drunkards Diseases, Pregnancy Troubles, Bruises, etc. A quick flick through a few pages will lead you to the required remedy plus the comparative remedies mentioned alongside the symptoms.

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€ 9,75

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