The Prehistoric Hillforts of Southwest Shropshire di Bernard O'Connor edito da
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The Prehistoric Hillforts of Southwest Shropshire






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Libro The Prehistoric Hillforts of Southwest Shropshire di Bernard O'Connor

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In the mid-1980s I attended a course on the Archaeology of Shropshire in which I studied some of the prehistoric hillforts found in the county. Little did I know how useful this was when I retired to the Clee Hills in the late-2010s. Studying the local Ordnance Survey maps and walking in the hills of Southeast Shropshire I noticed how many had prehistoric sites on the top. Having researched the geology, archaeology and history of the Clee Hills, I thought I would investigate the hillforts. Using 19th and early 20th century maps, history and archaeology books, archaeological reports, newspaper articles, documents in the local archives and websites, I produced 'Prehistoric Hillforts in Southeast Shropshire', a documentary history or gazetteer. Knowing that there are at least eighty hillforts in Shropshire, I went on to publish 'Prehistoric Hillforts in North Shropshire'. This book is a gazetteer, a documentary investigation of the hillforts south of Shrewsbury and west of the A49 to include Caus Castle, Walton Camp, Callow Hill, Pontesford Hill, Earls Hill, Woodhouse Farm, Stockton Wood, Castle Ring, Castle Hill, Ritton Castle, Castle Ring (Stitt Hill), Ratlinghope Hill Camp, Caerbre, Calcot Camp, Bodbury Ring, Roveries House, Roveries Hill Camp, Robury Ring, Billings Ring, Caer-Din Ring, Upper Knuck Camp, Knuck Wood, Castle Ring (Horderley), Wart Hill, Colstey Bank, Bury Ditches, Burrow Hill Camp, Castle Idris, Fron Camp, Radnor Wood, Caer Caradoc (Clun) and Coxall Knoll.

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