Prehistoric Hillforts in North Shropshire di Bernard O'Connor edito da
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Prehistoric Hillforts in North Shropshire






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Libro Prehistoric Hillforts in North Shropshire di Bernard O'Connor

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In the mid-1980s I attended a course on the Archaeology of Shropshire in which I studied some of the prehistoric hillforts found in the county. Little did I know how useful this was when I retired to the Clee Hills in the late-2010s. Studying the local Ordnance Survey maps and walking in the hills of Southeast Shropshire I noticed how many had prehistoric sites on the top. Having researched the geology, archaeology and history of the Clee Hills, I thought I would investigate the hillforts. Using 19th and early 20th century maps, history and archaeology books, archaeological reports, newspaper articles, documents in the local archives and websites, I produced 'Prehistoric Hillforts in Southeast Shropshire', a documentary history or gazetteer. Knowing that there are at least eighty hillforts in Shropshire, I went on to publish 'Prehistoric Hillforts in Southwest Shropshire'. This account of North Shropshire includes Old Oswestry, Whittington Castle, Coed-y-Gaer, Preston Springs, Bury Walls, Bwlch-y-Gwynt, Gelli Lwyd, Blodwell Rock, Llanmynech, The Berth, Nesscliffe Hill Camp, Bomere Heath, Bulthy Hill, The Wall, Ebury Hill, Pave Lane and Haughmond Hill.

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