The Power of Holy Spirit-Led Coaching di Shakeeta Torres edito da
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The Power of Holy Spirit-Led Coaching

A Guide for Christian Life Coaches






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Libro The Power of Holy Spirit-Led Coaching di Shakeeta Torres

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Embark on a transformative journey with "The Power of Holy Spirit-Led Coaching," a comprehensive guide for Christian life coaches. Author Shakeeta Torres, a seasoned expert as a Licensed Therapist and Certified Life Coach, takes you on a deep dive into the fusion of faith and coaching principles, showing you how to infuse sessions with the power of the Holy Spirit. This book covers a wide range of topics essential for a holistic approach to Christian life coaching: Distinctions Between Life Coach, Therapist, and Mentor: Gain invaluable insights into the differences between these roles, helping you define your unique position as a Christian life coach. 25 Types of Coaches: Explore the diverse niches within the coaching field, understanding the unique focus and methodologies of each type. The Gifts of the Spirit: Discover how to incorporate the Gifts of the Spirit into your coaching sessions, with practical examples that illuminate their transformative potential. Hearing God's Voice: Learn how to discern and follow God's guidance in your coaching practice, helping clients connect more deeply with their faith and purpose. Addressing common misconceptions head-on, Mrs. Torres debunks myths surrounding Christian life coaching, providing clarity and understanding for both seasoned professionals and those new to the field. Learn about the undeniable benefits of certification and why it's crucial in a landscape where many claim the title without proper training. Embrace the power of the Holy Spirit in your coaching practice and witness the profound transformation it brings to the lives of those you serve.

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