Posterior fossa meningiomas. 70 years later di Fabio Calbucci, Marco Maria Fontanella, Edoardo Agosti edito da Minerva Medica

Posterior fossa meningiomas. 70 years later

Data di Pubblicazione:
14 maggio 2024




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Descrizione Posterior fossa meningiomas. 70 years later

This book aims to elucidate the current state of surgery for meningiomas of the posterior cranial fossa, seven decades after Professors Castellano and Ruggiero authored their book in 1953. The diagnosis and surgical treatment of these lesions posed an extraordinary challenge 70 years ago. In the words and descriptions of the 71 cases operated on by Olivecrona, each of us can still sense the emotion of someone venturing into unexplored terrain, striving to pave the way for those who would follow. Since 1953, thousands of meningiomas of the posterior cranial fossa have undergone surgery in Europe and around the world. This implies that many have traversed the path forged by Olivecrona in Europe and Cushing in the USA. While the road is now well-defined, our task today is to make this journey increasingly accessible. We must lay more stones on this path, illuminate it with lights, ensuring that no one loses their way. We cannot predict what the little path marked by Olivecrona and Erik Lindgren will become in another 70 years, but we hope for it to transform into a grand thoroughfare. A route that all neurosurgeons can navigate without losing their way, leading effortlessly and joyously to the singular goal we have always pursued: the health of our patients.

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