The One Who Will Follow di Tj Keogh edito da
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The One Who Will Follow

The Conclusion of the City of the Sky Saga






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Libro The One Who Will Follow di Tj Keogh

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Two decades have passed since the Global Security Agency fleet was utterly destroyed at the Battle of the Rim. Two decades since the mysterious Na-dene have been seen. The Ozzaen people have become restless and xenophobic, as they wait for the fulfillment of an age-old prophecy. For Sean Kenzie, the Ozzaen ambassador, the world has become even more dangerous and complicated. On the surface, powerful forces are in motion. Plans are taking shape to overthrow the Global Union, and the world again stands on the brink of war. Nineteen-year-old Leah Kenzie, herself a child of time, becomes entangled in the turmoil and must unravel the threads of her past and future before it's too late. Is she merely a pawn in a cosmic game, or something far more profound? Her choices will lead to either the end of humanity itself or the dawn of a glorious new era. She is about to discover that both possibilities can be equally daunting.

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