Neurolearning Model Based on Graphic Organizers di Milena González edito da Our Knowledge Publishing
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Neurolearning Model Based on Graphic Organizers

For Teaching and Learning at the General High School Level





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Libro Neurolearning Model Based on Graphic Organizers di Milena González

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The study is oriented to present a theoretical model of neurolearning based on graphic organizers for teaching-learning through technological resources at the general secondary level. The methodological support is found in the interpretative paradigm, based on the qualitative from the hermeneutic-dialectic method. For data collection, five (05) informants will be selected: one (01) director, two (02) teachers, two (02) students, to whom the in-depth interview technique will be applied. For the analysis of information, categorization, triangulation and theorization will be used. Scientific rigor will be determined by the principles of credibility and transferability. The graphic organizers allow motivating the human brain in a visual way so that students learn in a more interactive, innovative way; as well as, from a constructivist context to achieve that students cognitively in the short and long term have a change in the knowledge to be acquired. In addition, neurosciences are part of new didactics applied to the educational field on pedagogical learning.

€ 69,62
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