The Metal Mariner. Unleashing the Power of Coleridge's Classic through Heavy Metal Music for Animal Rights Education. A Case Study on Intersectional Ethics Lessons di Giannella Biddau edito da
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The Metal Mariner. Unleashing the Power of Coleridge's Classic through Heavy Metal Music for Animal Rights Education. A Case Study on Intersectional Ethics Lessons

Data di Pubblicazione:
2 agosto 2024




Letteratura, storia e critica: letteratura dal 1800 al 1900, Heavy metal
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The Metal Mariner. Unleashing the Power of Coleridge's Classic through Heavy Metal Music for Animal Rights Education. A Case Study on Intersectional Ethics Lessons di Giannella Biddau

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How can a teacher contribute to forming a morally enlightened generation by introducing animal ethics into the classroom? What tools do they need to create an engaging educational path that fosters a compassionate and respectful attitude towards all living beings?
The Metal Mariner aims to inspire teachers by presenting a project titled The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, conducted in a high school class. The project sought to stimulate discussion on animal ethics through the power of Coleridge’s ballad and its adaptation into heavy metal music by the renowned British group, Iron Maiden. Furthermore, the project was approached from an intersectional perspective, highlighting the connection between animal rights and human rights.
This book underlines the importance of education in fostering moral values and demonstrates how the heavy metal genre can provide a safe space to discuss emotions. Within these pages, readers will discover how constructivist and experiential teaching methods have been effective planning tools. The book also provides an overview of the project stages and the competencies acquired by the students. Additionally, it offers ready-to-use worksheets for high school teachers who want their students to explore alternative learning dimensions and urgent topics.
By promoting empathy for all beings, both animal and human, we can cultivate a new worldview grounded in morality.1. Introduction
2. Structure of the Book
3. Origin and aim of the project
4. Revaluation of heavy metal
5. Didactic approaches
6. Overview of the project
7. Analysis of the project phases and discussion of acquired competencies
7.1 Step 1
7.2 Step 2
7.3 Step 3
7.4 Step 4
7.5 Last act: Questionnaire for students
7.6 Analysis of the questionnaire
8. Conclusion

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