The Marvelous Ones di Prof. Randol Contreras edito da University Of California Press
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The Marvelous Ones

Drugs, Gang Violence, And Resistance In East Los Angeles





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Libro The Marvelous Ones di Prof. Randol Contreras

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"The Marvelous Ones achieves a rare feat for academic work: equally engaging the head and the heart, pairing deep empathy with sharp analytical rigor. Unfolding like a novel, it leaves the reader with a rich understanding not only of the Maravillas' history and culture but of their emotional worlds. It will be of great interest to researchers, students and general readers alike."--Luke Billingham, coauthor of Against Youth Violence "This very lyrically written book combines longue durée historical perspective, sensitive individual life histories, and reflexive ethnography to offer a raw but sensitive vision of the brutal consequences and impact of being a Maravilla gang member in the deeply unequal, racialized, and violent world of East Los Angeles."--Dennis Rodgers, Research Professor, Geneva Graduate Institute

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