Leonardo da Vinci. The Last Supper 3D. Virtual reconstruction of a lost and rediscovered masterpiece. Ediz. a colori di Mario Taddei edito da Giunti Editore

Leonardo da Vinci. The Last Supper 3D. Virtual reconstruction of a lost and rediscovered masterpiece. Ediz. a colori

Roberts M.
Data di Pubblicazione:
8 novembre 2023




Pittura e tecniche della pittura, Singoli artisti, monografie d'arte
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Libro Leonardo da Vinci. The Last Supper 3D. Virtual reconstruction of a lost and rediscovered masterpiece. Ediz. a colori di Mario Taddei

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Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper at Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, almost immediately showed itself to be a problematic masterpiece. The technique chosen by Leonardo for its execution did not have the adequate characteristics needed to resist the atmospheric conditions in the refectory that hosted it, nor the vicissitudes of history. Only a few lucky people were able to admire the Last Supper in all its splendour in the years following its completion. Today however - thanks to meticulous research, effected also with the help of artificial intelligence - Mario Taddei, engineer and machine philologist, restores to us the work and its setting just as Leonardo lived and imagined them. Readers, also thanks to virtual reality, will have the possibility of finding themselves in front of and inside the painting at the time of its creation.

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