Of the Law of Nature and Nations di Samuel Pufendorf edito da Liberty Fund Inc

Of the Law of Nature and Nations

In Five Volumes





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Libro Of the Law of Nature and Nations di Samuel Pufendorf

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In Of the Law of Nature and Nations, Pufendorf provided a comprehensive system of society, law, and government based on a theory of human nature. Eschewing contemporary theological ideas of human perfection and other-worldly beatitude, he founded his natural law on the need for sociability in this world. While paying great respect to Grotius as the founder of a modern, enlightened natural law, Pufendorf criticized his remaining "scholasticism." Similarly, he learned from Hobbes but rejected the reduction of natural law to individual self-interest. Pufendorf wanted to transform natural law by getting rid of its metaphysical foundations, but he retained its function as a moral basis for civil law and the state.

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