Introduction of Albanian property law edito da Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane
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Introduction of Albanian property law

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Libro Introduction of Albanian property law

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Since the 1990s, after the collapse of the communist regime, Albania has aimed to introduce democratic values into its legislation. This process can come to fruition only by the recognition and general protection of private property. As a result, a new Civil Code was enacted at the beginning of the 1990s through intensive collaboration between Albanian and foreign scholars. Book II of the Albanian Civil Code of 1994 highlights the importance of private property. This book fills the gap in the national and international scientific literature since there is no scientific contribution written in English that examines the development of the Albanian law of property showing the similarities and differences between the Albanian and the Italian civil codes. Another novelty rests on its identification of the rules of the Albanian Civil Codes of 1929 and of 1982 that regulate the various legal institutional parts of the property law. Furthermore, this research summarizes the EU impact on Albanian property law by examining the differences between the legal institutions established at the supranational level such as Dir. 2014/60/EU, Dir. 2008/122/EC, Dir. 1346/2000/EC, and Reg. 2015/848 with the current Albanian system. In the conclusions, this research demonstrates that the Albanian law of property of 1994 is similar, sometimes identical, to the rules established in the Italian Civil Code of 1942, considered as the main reference model in the light of the Roman tradition. The volume is the first useful research to start knowledge of the Albanian system of civil law for the benefit of university students as well. Key-words: Book II of the Albanian Civil Code, Book III of the Italian Civil Code, EU Property Law, Right to Private Property, Roman Property Law.

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