International Encyclopedia of Horse Breeds di Bonnie L. Hendricks edito da DENVER ART MUSEUM
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International Encyclopedia of Horse Breeds





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Libro International Encyclopedia of Horse Breeds di Bonnie L. Hendricks

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A standard reference on horse breeds-illustrated and updated Celebrating the animal that has been a stalwart servant to humankind for countless generations, Bonnie Hendricks's International Encyclopedia of Horse Breeds is the most thorough compilation of horse breeds ever attempted. The nearly four hundred entries, arranged alphabetically, include foundation breeds now extinct as well as extant breeds from across the globe. Each entry details the breed's origin and background, size, appearance, chief use, and status (rare versus common). A list of breed associations and government departments that supplied data and photographs for the encyclopedia has been fully updated for this edition. With its breadth and depth of coverage, as well as 530 black-and-white illustrations, the encyclopedia continues to be a standard international reference.

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