Improvement of social media communication for fashion brand di Gintare Sutkauskaite edito da SPS
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Improvement of social media communication for fashion brand

Aiming to increase brand awareness and involvement







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Descrizione Improvement of social media communication for fashion brand

Social media is not a new term, not a trend or a new wave of communication. When it comes to business, majority of new start-ups and newly launched brands from the very beginning are based on power of social media. Although some companies still fight social networking era existence and keep investing their resources into traditional marketing means. Therefore this book solves a problem of a fashion brand which was launched for Latvian market 10 years ago. Research study in the book ascertains social technographical types of the target market, their level of involvement into fashion and patterns of their behavior on social media spaces. Statistically significant relationships are examined between fashion involvement and social media related variables. Therefore book offers communication plan for the whole year which includes suggestions for the content of the message, timing, budgeting and platforms to enter. Even though it is very difficult to predict success or failure when it comes to marketing, the final goal of communication plan generated is to increase brand awareness and involvement.

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