Human Trafficking: Examining the Facts di Laura J. Lederer edito da BLOOMSBURY ACADEMIC
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Human Trafficking: Examining the Facts

Examining the Facts





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Libro Human Trafficking: Examining the Facts di Laura J. Lederer

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Deeply researched and scrupulously even-handed, this work provides readers with a clear and accurate understanding of human trafficking and related issues related to socioeconomic inequality, human rights, and international law. In doing so, it exposes falsehoods, half-truths, and distortions about trafficking that have gained traction in America's political and cultural discourse. When warranted, it also confirms the veracity of other claims about the nature and infrastructure of trafficking networks and the harrowing experiences of women, men, and children trapped in those dehumanizing systems. Special areas of focus include chapters devoted to quantifying the scope and reach of human trafficking around the world; prosecution and prevention strategies; the experiences of trafficking survivors and the important role they play in anti-trafficking efforts; and the successes and failures of anti-trafficking initiatives carried out by governments and law enforcement agencies around the world.

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