Human Resource Management di Ronan Carbery, Christine Cross edito da Bloomsbury Academic
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Human Resource Management





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Libro Human Resource Management di Ronan Carbery, Christine Cross

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"This is an exciting new edition of a core text in Human Resource Management that has built a solid reputation as an accessible, modern and student focused textbook. It provides a concise yet thorough examination of human resource management in a wide range of sector contexts including retail, manufacturing, technology, financial services and the public sector. Written in an accessible and student-friendly way, it takes the student through the 'life-cycle of the employee', providing them with a firm grounding in the academic theory and industry best-practice. Packed with engaging pedagogy, including international case studies and examples, that help students apply theory to real-world situations. In addition, it also includes a dedicated Skills Development chapter that prepares students for employment. Importantly, the content is mapped to the CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) Professional Standards, ensuring that the text can be used on CIPD accredited degree courses"--

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